Sunday, January 10, 2010

Easy Sunday Morning

Strange week....back to school. Back to routine. Back to exercise and routine eating. Back to the push and pull of life. The constant wondering and thinking about the change that needs to happen in my life. The question is what is the change? What direction do I want to pursue? I've got options galore, but what if I chose wrong again? Is teaching/education the direction I need to keep going or do I need to make the change to an entirely new job? Does that job require more schooling? I would not be opposed to more school, but in what? Where?

See why I'm trying to put more stillness and calmness into my life. I'm all over the place as an individual. I am happy in my coupledom, but I'm struggling with my person. I need a direction. A guidance. A brand new look at life. I need to find my core being.

I got to my mat a couple of times this week, but have been distracted over the course of the week. I haven't found a place of quiet this week. Every time I have gotten on the mat, life has interfered with my breath, movement, and concentration. Also experienced some discomfort in my nasal passage during a downward facing dog. It was strange. I went into the pose and a dripping feel into the top of my sinuses. It burned unlike anything I've ever experienced. Made my eyes water and I felt extreme discomfort. I began to treat the beginnings of a head cold and have been able to practice since then with no more occurrences.

Still using 20 minute podcasts from, but am about to purchase some of their 45 minute classes. Am planning a longish practice today from home with a podcast from Elsie's website.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year....New Hobby isn't really a new hobby, but it is something that I am bringing to the forefront of my fitness routine. I'm contemplating the inclusion of more yoga practice into my life. I feel a calling to calm my inner beast. Anyone that has ever spent any time around me knows that I can be high strung and an utter bitch when pushed to the edge. Yoga helps me center and find some serenity among the demons that constantly push me to go-go-go. I want to see if I can achieve this inner peace/spirituality through a consistent and dutiful yoga practice. At the moment, I'm reading through yoga blogs and am working through Donna Farhi's Bringing Yoga to Life. I'll update soon, but until then.....namaste.